
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

American Tattoo

American Tattoo
American Tattoo
American Tattoo

One of the reasons many people want to get tattooed is because they want to show their cultural background. The very earliest form of tattoo was by means of decorating the body with mud, dirt, paint and ash. For certain people getting a tattoo is what makes them a part of a group or clan. This may sound odd because so many people choose to get tattooed because they want to be different. However, a specific kind of tattoo can define you as belonging to a specific culture or even a specific spiritual belief. But just because you have Japanese tattoo does not mean you are Japanese. Or just because you have a tribal tattoo does not mean you have to belong to a tribe.

It could be said that tattoo is an art form that allows modern man and woman to be a part of anything that he or she wants. This can be seen through tribal tattoo designs. This is a category of tattoo that has grown very fast in the last few years. It is not only because the designs are so attractive that make tribal designs popular. These designs have a very old history. All over the world tribes have used tattoo for adornment, initiation and identity. Tribal tattoo designs were so admired by these tribes they even tattooed their faces. The Maori tribes living in New Zealand and the Berbers living in North Africa have a tradition of the most exquisite facial tattoo. Certain tribes living in Japan also tattooed their faces. These cultures have tattoo artists that are highly skilled and many are able to practice this art with both modern and traditional instruments. There are tribal tattoos that are more stylized and intricate. If you choose a very intricate tribal design tattoo it is advisable to have it put on a part of your body that contains a good amount of muscle. If you do it will mean your tribal design will be less painful to apply. If you don’t want to go through the discomfort the make sure you choose the outer leg, shoulder, outer arm, back or inner writs. The rule for those who don’t want discomfort is to stay away from bony areas.

It is understandable why so many people are opting for tribal tattoo. Designs come in a variety of looks. There really is something for everyone. These designs can be done in colors or plain black. It must be noted that plain black tattoos do not fade as quickly as colored ink. The most unique tribal tattoo designs are scripts or totem animals. These are symbolic of very old tribal customs. More and more people are really getting into tribal tattoos and want facial tattoos. These are usually people who are off-beat and not afraid of what other people will say. It must be said that there are professions where this would be frowned on. People who opt for facial tattoos are usually live lives that are self-sufficient and no dependent on the usual norms of society at large.

There is a form of tribal tattoo design that is beginning to become more known. This form of tribal tattoo is not main stream and not for the faint hearted. It comes specifically from Africa and no ink is used. The skin is cut according to a specific design. The cuts (wounds) are filled with a material so that it is raised. Another way to do this is to rub the cuts with sand or ash. This is done so the cuts eventually form a raised scar and this makes the tattoo visible. In the west there are individuals who are turning to the more traditional method in order to actually feel the pain. To them this is an essential part of tribal customs. There are those who see tattoo as a right of passage or the means to some kind of spiritual awakening. These are customs that have by and large been lost to western civilization.

A tribal tattoo design need not be very large. It can be small. There are many celebs that have tattoos. Rihanna is one celeb who has a tribal tattoo. Her tattoo is a Maori design that was done in New Zealand. Her geometric pattern is a symbol of love and strength. Even if you have absolutely no interest in the history and meaning of tribal tattoo you can go ahead and choose one. You can be certain that a lot of people are wearing tribal tattoo designs simply because they are trendy. This category of tattoo is available in designs that are as diverse as dragons and butterflies. You only have to think of Angelina Jolie and you think of a magnificent curling dragon all the way down her back. This is the reason many novice tattoo enthusiasts want the same thing. It is important to remember that a tattoo of that size and complexity must be carried out by a master tattooist. This will cost a lot of money. There is no way you can expect to get the same result as Angelina Jolie if you can’t afford the cost of an expert.

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