
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tattooed Bride

Tattooed BrideJust when you think you’ve heard it all – a story like this pops up. This one warms your soul and is a good sign of the advanced acceptance of tattoos. Removing the stereotype of person that people used to associate with body art – bikers, gang members, loose women and ex convicts.

Well, a free thinking church decided to combine the art of tattooing with their Sunday sermon. In a plan to stay relevant to the times, Gold Creek Community Church started a series that ended Sunday’s sermon with a series they call Permanent Ink. Yes, someone gets tattooed right up there in front of the congregation.

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Tattooed BrideI give a lot of credit to the brides that decide to break tradition and have their special day their way. Letting their body art be on display for all the friends and relatives that show up to celebrate their special day. It’s about time. Why not wear and look the way you feel most comfortable? Wear those sneakers if that’s your desire. Tattooed Bride has some nice ideas if you’re planning your own wedding and your desire is to be a little over the top. It goes beyond just showing some tattoos off. (continue reading…)

Tattooed BrideThis great company, GTOPI, airbrushes carbon fiber prosthetic limbs with tattoo art. The owner of the company is a trained Orthotic and Prosthetic Technician and was twenty years into wearing a prosthetic when he created his own socket. He applied a tattoo to it, thereby the tattooed prosthetic was born.

He has come up with a unique innovative method for applying artwork to braces and prosthetics. Horkey’s process vastly expands the options beyond the laminated fabric choices currently available. (continue reading…)

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